The Surprising Connection: Exploring the Japanese Love for Cheese and Yogurt despite Lactose Intolerance

Japan, a country known for its rich culinary culture, has a surprising love for dairy products like cheese and yogurt. This is intriguing considering that a significant portion of the Japanese population is lactose intolerant. So, how do they manage to incorporate these dairy products into their diet? Let’s delve into this fascinating paradox and explore the Japanese love for cheese and yogurt despite lactose intolerance.

The Paradox of Lactose Intolerance and Dairy Love

It’s estimated that around 90% of the Japanese population is lactose intolerant to some degree. This means their bodies have a reduced ability to digest lactose, a sugar found in milk and other dairy products. Despite this, dairy products like cheese and yogurt are popular in Japan. This paradox can be explained by several factors.

Low Lactose Dairy Products

Firstly, not all dairy products contain the same amount of lactose. Hard cheeses and yogurt, for instance, contain less lactose than milk. The bacteria used in the fermentation process of these products consume most of the lactose, making them easier to digest for lactose intolerant individuals. Therefore, even those with lactose intolerance can often enjoy these products without discomfort.

Gradual Acclimatization

Secondly, gradual exposure to lactose can help some people with lactose intolerance to tolerate it better. By slowly introducing small amounts of lactose into their diet, they can build up their body’s ability to digest it. This is likely one of the reasons why many Japanese people can consume dairy products without experiencing symptoms of lactose intolerance.

The Influence of Western Cuisine

Another factor contributing to the popularity of dairy products in Japan is the influence of Western cuisine. Over the past few decades, Western-style dishes have become increasingly popular in Japan. Many of these dishes, such as pizza and pasta, feature cheese as a key ingredient. As a result, cheese has become a common part of the Japanese diet.

Health Benefits of Dairy

Finally, the health benefits associated with dairy products may also explain their popularity in Japan. Dairy products are a good source of protein, calcium, and vitamins. Yogurt, in particular, is known for its probiotic properties, which can promote a healthy gut. These health benefits make dairy products an attractive addition to the Japanese diet, despite the prevalence of lactose intolerance.


In conclusion, the Japanese love for cheese and yogurt despite widespread lactose intolerance can be attributed to a combination of factors. These include the lower lactose content of these products, gradual acclimatization, the influence of Western cuisine, and the health benefits associated with dairy. This fascinating paradox is a testament to the adaptability of the human body and the influence of cultural exchange on dietary habits.