Morning Hydration: The Health Benefits of Drinking Water on an Empty Stomach

Many of us start our day with a cup of coffee or tea, but what if we switched to water instead? Drinking water on an empty stomach in the morning has been a common practice in Ayurvedic and Japanese cultures for centuries, and it’s gaining popularity in the West due to its numerous health benefits. From detoxification to weight loss, let’s explore why hydrating first thing in the morning can be a game-changer for your health.

The Science Behind Morning Hydration

During sleep, your body continues to lose water through breathing and perspiration. Drinking water upon waking helps replenish this loss and kick-starts your metabolism for the day. It also aids in flushing out toxins, improving digestion, and maintaining a healthy skin complexion.

Benefits of Drinking Water on an Empty Stomach

  • Boosts Metabolism: Drinking water in the morning can increase your metabolic rate by at least 24%, aiding in faster digestion and weight loss.

  • Improves Digestion: Water stimulates the red blood cells to grow faster, which results in more oxygenated blood that improves digestion.

  • Detoxifies the Body: Water helps flush out toxins from the body, reducing the risk of kidney stones and urinary tract infections.

  • Enhances Skin Health: Regular hydration can lead to a noticeable improvement in skin elasticity and complexion.

  • Boosts Energy: Starting your day with water can increase your level of alertness and energy.

How Much Water Should You Drink?

While the amount of water needed can vary based on factors like age, sex, weight, and activity level, a general rule of thumb is to drink at least 16 ounces (two cups) of water upon waking. However, it’s important to listen to your body and adjust as necessary.

Can You Drink Other Liquids for Morning Hydration?

While water is the best choice for morning hydration, other liquids like herbal tea or lemon water can also be beneficial. However, it’s best to avoid caffeinated beverages as they can lead to dehydration.


Starting your day with a glass of water on an empty stomach can provide numerous health benefits. It’s a simple habit that can boost your metabolism, improve digestion, detoxify your body, enhance skin health, and increase energy levels. So, before reaching for that morning cup of coffee, consider hydrating with water first.